Saturday, January 16, 2010

I picked the wrong day... get Lasik and rob a gas station. Sure, I could have done one eye, wait a few weeks, then get the other, but hey, I'm not making two trips. Pull the band-aid off all at once -- that's always been my philosophy.

They said my vision would be fuzzy for a few hours -- plenty of time to have the outpatient procedure, hit the Chevron I've been casing for a month, hold that shit up and be on my merry way. Well, I can't see a damned thing as I'm holding a gun to this guy's head, pulling cash out of the register. Guess he thought my bandages were a disguise or something. Then I walked out. Or at least I thought I walked out. Bam! Right into a wall. I go down. Cops coming, guy holding me down, and I can't even see a thing.

I'm a so not breaking and entering into that house the day after my bunion surgery, that's for sure.

How do I look?

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